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Pendergast eSports

Competitive gaming has set the world ablaze! The Pendergast Elementary School District is excited to announce the Pendergast eSports League, which aims to captivate students' passion for video games through organized competition in a safe and secure environment at every school throughout the Pendergast District.

eSports is a form of competition using video games. In most cases, eSports are organized multiplayer video game competitions between competitors, which can take place individually or as teams. eSports are more than just video games; it is community, engagement, and relationship building.

Student playing video game.

As the eSports industry continues to grow, we are beginning to see an increase in eSports teams as an extracurricular activity in schools. Because eSports revolves around some of the video games that students play at home, many families struggle to understand how this extracurricular activity is beneficial to a student’s education.

Recent studies show that eSports can help a student’s well being, improve their reading skills, help develop problem solving skills, improve their social connections, and will even enhance their imagination and creativity. Furthermore, eSports promotes teamwork and cooperation with others and shows students the importance of community. Giving students early exposure to all facets of the eSports world can spark interest and help prepare them for future opportunities in graphic design, coding, leadership, video production, and even art direction.