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Financial Services

Need help?

Feel free to call one of the Financial Services personnel for questions on:

  • Student activities funds
  • Budgeting
  • Account coding
  • School ERP Pro/Employee Access (formerly iVisions)
  • Accounts Payable/Vendor questions
  • Payroll

Chief Financial Officer Office

Joanne Fimbres, Chief Financial Office

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Denise Corral, Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer
Phone: 623-772-2209

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Financial Services Office

Danny Robbins, Director of Budget & Finance
Phone: 623-772-2217

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Amanda Molina, Accounting Specialist
Phone: 623-772-2223

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Accounts Payable

Andrea Aponte, Accounting Technician | Food Services 
Vendors A-O except Food Services and Student Activities
Phone: 623-772-2227

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Ry Wisdom, Accounting Technician
Vendors P-Z, Food Services, Student Activities, Utilities, Travel Reimbursement
Phone: 623-772-2222

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Lorraine Smith, Payroll Supervisor
Phone: 623-772-2225

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Alicia Guzman Arreola, Payroll Accountant
Phone: 623-772-2228

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Vacant, Payroll Accountant

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Areas of Responsibility
Accounts payable, accounts receivable, bond issuances, budget, School ERP Pro (I-Visions), LINQ Connect, My School Bucks, payroll, tax credit

Strategic Plan Goals

  1. Provide instructional information to all school and departmental users to aid in their school finance literacy. This will allow all users to be fully engaged in how they utilize various funding sources as evidenced by the maximization of their budget allocations.
  2. Implement software programs to strategically assist in streamlining financial processes and reduce the amount of paper documentation. This will include forms and documentation that are needed for compliance and audit requirements.

Our Mission

Maintaining fiscal responsibility and stewardship by making smart financial choices through uncompromising integrity, trust, and personalized service in serving our students and the Pendergast community.

Points of Pride

  • Awarded the Association of School Business Officials International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for 31 consecutive years for the Districts Annual Financial Report. 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
  • Awarded the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for 12 consecutive years for the Districts Annual Financial Report. 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020  

Financial Reports

Annual Expenditure Budget Report Form: The Annual Expenditure Budget Form is prescribed by the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Auditor General. 20252024 | 2023 

Annual Financial Report (AFR): The Annual Financial Report (AFR) is prescribed by the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Auditor General. It incorporates all financial information statutorily required for all funds. Revenues and Expenditures for the fiscal year are presented and a comparison to the prior year is included. 20242023 | 2022 | 2021  

District Spending Report: Each year the Auditor General prepares and issues a special study, Arizona School District Spending, for the most recent fiscal year. The report includes costs, performance measures, operational trends, revenues, student and teacher measures, and a financial stress assessment for the district. The report compares the district's operational efficiency to peers' and the state's averages in four areas; administration, plant operations, food service and transportation. 2023 | 2022 | 2021

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR): The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) is presented as required by the Arizona Revised Statues and includes a comprehensive report of the District's finances. The financial statements have been audited as required by Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C. 2023 | 2022 | 2021